





第5回国際看護学術集会 2004.8.29~8.31
会長中山 洋子
メインテーマNursing Phenomena and Research Designs -Search for New Research Methodology-
会長講演Seeking New Research Methodology
基調講演Nursing Phenomena and Research Strategies: From Nurse’s Concern to Researcable Question
ワークショップQualitative ResearchThe Research Process That Defines Nursing PhenomenaIssues of Quantitative Research Focusing on Measurement & Instrument DevelopmentAction ResearchIntervention Research
駅伝シンポジウムQualitative Method in Nursing ResearchQuantitative Methods: Issues in Design, Measures, & AnalysisAction Research in Canada: Addressing Student Nurse Stress, Health, & Quality of LifePractical Use of Vital Signs as Evidence for Effective Nursing Intervention
第4回国際看護学術集会 2001.8.29~8.31
会長前原 澄子
メインテーマA Holistic Approach: A Better Quality of Life for All-In Search of Core Principles for Nursing in the 21st Century-
会長講演A Holistic Approach to Nursing
基調講演Holistic Nursing and CareA Holistic Approach: A Better Quality of Life for AllA Holistic Approach: A Better Quality of Life for All, on a Global Scale
パネルディスカッションA Holistic Approach: A Better Quality of Life for All-In Search of Core Principles for Nursing in the 21st Century-
ワークショップIntroducing IBL(Inquiry-based Learning) as a Teaching Learning Strategy for Critical Thinking in Nursing CollegeHealing Music & Relaxation for Stress Management
駅伝シンポジウムHuman & Human Relationship – Partnership with Dignity-Nurses’ Collaboration for Health Promotion in Cities & Rural Communities
インフォメーションエクスチェンジDevelopment methods of international collaboration research on home care Evaluation of client outcomes and satisfactionAre We Losing Maternity Identity?Telehealth-Advantages and Challenges in the Use of Telecommunications Technologies in the Community Health Nursing
市民公開講座What has happened to my grandma?
第3回国際看護学術集会 1998.9.16~9.18
会長小島 操子
メインテーマInnovation and Creativity in Nursing and Nursing Education
会長講演Innovation & Creativity in Nursing and Nursing Education
基調講演Future of Nursing: Innovations in Client-OrientationAdvancing Nursing Leadership through Reserch: Biobehavioral Scienca for Nursing into the 21st Century
パネルディスカッションInnovation & Creativity: Nursing into the 21st Century
ワークショップNursing Interventions: Healing Touch, Purposeful Touch and MessageReach and Teach through Multiple IntelligenceThe Therapeutic Uses of Creative Expression and Support Groups-A Self Help Tool for Nurses-
駅伝シンポジウムNursing Care System and CultureNursing Intervention and Science
インフォメーションエクスチェンジNetworking on Nursing EthicsChanging System of Community Health Nursing for Elderly and Strategies for Quolity CareExchange Information on the Use of PBL in Nursing EducationHow to Promote Students’ Thinking Process Using a Multi-Media Educationed Material: In Aiming at the Better Decision MakingActivities of WHO Collaboration Centre for Nursing Development in Primary Health Care-Focusing on Continuing Education for Nurses-Disaster NursingNetworking for International Nursing Research
市民公開講座Hospice Care in Japan for 21st Century
第2回国際看護学術集会 1995.9.26~9.28
会長南 裕子
メインテーマNursing: Beyond Art and Science
会長講演Message from Kobe
基調講演Nursing Beyond Art and ScienceOn Transitions and Knowledge Development
パネルディスカッションStrategies for the Future
ワークショップTherapeutic Drama Activity for the Demented Elderly”What Do You Mean..I’m not Breathing Right” Learning Healthy Breathing PatternsReminiscence, Life Review, Journal Writing, and Story TellingTherapeutic Touch: Foundation and PracticeNursing of Families: Examination of the Use of the Calgaly Family Assessment Model and Calgary Family Intervention Model on Clinical Nursing SettingTherapeutic Touch: Theory and Practice
駅伝シンポジウムNursing PracticeMethod of Nursing studiesDisaster Nursing
インフォメーションエクスチェンジSystem of Home Health Care-Care System for 24 Hours and Method of Care ManagementActivities of HHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Development in Primary Health CarePromoting a Netmork among Nursing ResearcherEvolution of Nursing Research and its Future ProjectionDoctoral Program in Nursing: Administrative and Curricular Issues
第1回国際看護学術集会 1992.10.2~10.4
会長樋口 康子
メインテーマHuman Caring: Philosophy,Ethics, Politics
基調講演Philosophy of human caringEthical aspect of human caringPolitical aspect of human caring
駅伝シンポジウムTraditional , Innovative Nursing Skil




